CBD E-liquids by Chill Drop

Discover all Chill Drop e-liquids by VDLV

E-liquid Chill Drop - Original - Hemp

E-liquid Chill Drop - Original - Hemp

Exist in several CBD rates
E-liquid Chill Drop - Discovery - Red Berries

E-liquid Chill Drop - Discovery - Red Berries

Exist in several CBD rates
E-liquid Chill Drop - Discovery - Mint

E-liquid Chill Drop - Discovery - Mint

Exist in several CBD rates

Chill Drop is a CBD e-liquid’s brand manufactured, analyzed and bottled en France by VDLV.

To develop Chill Drop e-liquids, VDLV drew on the expertise, research, analyses and experience of its ingésciences partner. In particular, for its rigorous raw material selection to ensure consumers are guaranteed absolute safety and transparency as regards of product composition.

By choosing Chill Drop, you are choosing quality and know-how.
Our expertise in the field of e-liquids combined with our partner laboratory’s knowledge and research on CBD mean we can guide and support you unconditionally in selling and consuming our e-liquids.